Massage is known to have been used by the original tribes a long time ago. Literature data also suggest that it was practiced in the distant past in South Africa, Egypt, Babylon, Assyria, the ancient East, India, Greece and Rome. In India, ayurvedic testimony (from IX-III century BC) of knowledge of life also proves the use of massage, while data on the massage used in Egypt date even back to the twelfth century BC. Unlike ancient Greece and Rome, massage in Europe had not been widely used until the beginning of the nineteenth century. Since the nineteenth century, massage has been used as a medical massage in a number of centers around the world (clinics, hospitals, health spa centers, physiotherapy offices and beauty salons), with a number of studies pointing to the influence of the massage on the metabolic processes in the human body.

Still, no scientific explanation of the effects of the massage on the human organism has existed for rather a long time despite its deep roots and records on traditional use by numerous civilisations worldwide. Only in the 1850's did some papers make an attempt to explain its physiological effects on our body. So, in the 1870's, the massage reached peak of its flourishment. A Russian doctor Zabludovski (XIX century), who can be considered to be the founder of the modern, so-called classical massage, did research related to the use of massage, discussing indications and contraindications for its use. The modern explanation of the massage effects is based on the mechanical stimulation of extero - , proprio - and intero- receptors taking place with various reactions of tissues and organs. In addition, the massage has a direct mechanical effect on the tissue. Massaging also increases the flow of the lymph and venous blood, resulting in active hyperaemia of arterioles and capillaries, which increases local metabolism and elimination of decaying, harmful metabolic products and enhances the reabsorption of the trophic tissue edema. Massage also acts spasmolyticlly, analgetically, increasing the secretory activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands, which reduces fatigue and improves general contactibility, relaxibility along with exhibiting sedative effects.
Massage can be divided into modern and traditional Eastern, including a reflex place massage along with acupressure.
Modern Massage
Modern massage is associated with the kinesitherapy, so if applied complexly it can be highly efficient. In modern practice, the massage is used not only for therapeutic but also for prophylactic purposes (relaxation, sports). It is divided depending on the mode of massaging, body part being treated and the purpose. Classical and segment-reflex massage is pointed out most frequently.
Traditional Oriental Massage
Traditional Oriental Massage consists of two parts: general (preparatory) and specific (based on the establishing circulating body energy within different meridians). The preparatory massage is a line massage along the five vertical meridian lines in the back (GV (governing vessel) meridian, bilateral medial and lateral line of BL meridian).
Reflex-dival Massage
Reflex-dival massage has its roots in the Far East tradition, being further introduced into general practice in its modified form in the west countries of the early 1900's, when Scerbak (1903-1908) investigated the influence of mechanical vibration on the human body through vibration massage.

Methodology of Scerbak treated areas that are reflexively associated with the nervous centers, because the spinal cord is functionally divided into segments from which the innervation of internal organs and relevant skin points (Head's zones) begins. So, in some diseases of internal organs, the changes in skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle and periosteum take place in the same innervation zone of the particular organ reflexively. As a result of pathophysiological and pathological changes in these tissues, painful effects determined as sore or trigger points (Trigger points) take place in them, with the most common characteristics, being: sensitivity to palpation (when you press your finger the pain occurs not only in it, but also in a remote region); 1-2 cm in diameter; localization in different tissues (muscle, connective tissue, periosteum); patients are not aware of them existing; the painful manifestations are not directly related with the region in which you feel pain, but are at the same level segment of the sympathetic nervous system. Painful points are successfully treated by various forms of reflex massage, which establishes a well-balanced vegetative nervous system and relieves or soothes pain. Despite being the part of classical massage, the reflexive massage differs from it because of having its individual approach and the choice of individual zones (depending on the disease).
Acupressure is one of the oldest reflexology treatment methods based on eastern philosophy implemented by stimulating acupuncture points by finger pressure. It is widely spread because of its therapeutic effect and the ease of application to the patient body. It is performed as a monotherapy, as the part of a complex treatment or within prophylactic purposes. Acupressure does not cause any negative effects, and when properly applied, it renders a solid prophylactic and therapeutic effect, especially with the diseases of functional character.

The reflex effect of acupressure massage on the entire nervous system plays a major role in regulating the individual organs and their systems functions as well as in achieving a general functional balance. Thanks to acupressure, a sedative or a tonic effect on the nervous system can be achieved, too. Acupressure can be applied from an early age (in infants with mild stimulation), through middle age (very strong stimulation from 15-30), and a moderate and weaker stimulation throughout the old age (31-50).
The length of time of acupressure depends on the individual cases, age, sex, and pathology.
Regardless of the degree and length of its duration, in all cases, acupressure leads to a favourable reactive response of an organism and its overall normalised condition with systems of organs, individual organs all up to the cellular level. Acupressure has also been found to display particularly good results in a disturbed blood flow viewed from both functional and organic aspect, with also outstanding effects of acupressure reported in lungs, digestive system and urogenital organs diseases.
The choice of acupressure points depends on the aims and modes of applying acupressure. For prophylactic purposes, the points with invigorating effect should be chosen, for therapeutic purpose, meridian points on inflicted meridian or organ should be chosen. Acupressure is performed in the direction of the meridian energy flow taking into consideration all the other rules of the traditional Chinese medicine for the selection of recipes.
Foot and Hand Massage
Foot and hand massage as well as corporal acupressure are recommended for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes. Feet and hands are the reflective surfaces - micro systems in which all the organs of the human body are represented. In applying this massage, it is also necessary to take the small area of the represented organs into account.
Shiatsu Massage
Shiatsu massage is performed by pressing particular points with fingers, elbows or knees at which these points coincide with the acupuncture points. The shiatsu massage also applies to prophylactic and therapeutic purposes.
Anti-Stress Massage
Anti-stress massage can be prophylactic (traditional massage as a general type) or therapeutic (enabling circulating energy in the meridians altered).
While massaging, the basic rules to be followed are: massaging from the weaker to stronger intensity, further from the periphery to the center, while in the case of acupressure, the flow of the meridian should be followed.There are several methodological hand movements (grips) by means of which massage is performed. Its strokes can be: petting, kneading, rubbing, tapping and vibration.
In order to achieve a better contact between the therapist hand and a patient skin, neutral fats and powders are used, and in the individuals without allergic proness, aromatic oils can be applied. The selection of ether oil depends on the purpose.
The amount of these materials depends on the location and on the area treated, skin reactivity, tissue and reactivity in general, as well as on a particular technique used (the massage must not be painful and uncomfortable for the patient, at which an experienced therapist selects both, the pressure degree and massage technique). The procedure for a local massage takes 10-15 minutes and 30-45 minutes for the general massage. It is done either every or every other day in a series of 10 or more sessions, depending on the need or pathology.
Good prophylactic and therapeutic results of this massage depend on proper choice as well as on the guidelines followed for indications and contraindications in the modern and traditional medicine, at which, different effects are achieved as a consequence of the particular stroke applied, the site where it has been applied as well as the intensity and specific properties of its action.